• Original Reporting

The Trust Project

Original Reporting This article contains firsthand information gathered by reporters. This includes directly interviewing sources and analyzing primary source documents.

My news aggregators have been buzzing with alarming and alluring stats concerning life (and death, and dismemberment) in Colorado. Evidently, we live in the third most dangerous state in the Union. At the same time, we imperiled citizens also populate the fittest state. It’s not a coincidence, of course. As the prominent Colorado philosopher and competitive snowboarder Frederich Nietzsche once wrote: “That which doesn’t kill us makes us Coloradans.” 

You could look at these Colorado perils as a reason to buy property in New Hampshire — the safest state in the country. Forget it! They call that skiing? More like Ice Capades! We simply need to put our Coloradoawesomeness to work as we outpace all the critters, roadways, cornices and financial trends threatening to drive us toward Colorado’s scary funeral homes. If that’s death, we need to choose life!

I propose these seven strategies to avoid our mile-high risks in Ecotopia. 

Strategy No. 1: You’re not an apex predator, you’re an apex knucklehead. Act accordingly.

Strategy No. 2: Red Rocks ticket prices are scary. But that’s why God made general admission. Use your outdoor skills to occupy the cheap seats!

(Peter Moore, Special to The Colorado Sun)

Strategy No. 3: Outrace the snopocalypse on your chosen snow device!

(Peter Moore, Special to The Colorado Sun)

Strategy No. 4: Stick the landing with your next real estate transaction.

(Peter Moore, Special to The Colorado Sun)

Strategy No. 5: Drive I-25 like Furiosa!

(Peter Moore, Special to The Colorado Sun)

Strategy No. 6: If it’s too hot in the forest, jump in Grand Lake!

(Peter Moore, Special to The Colorado Sun)

Strategy No. 7: Stay at your desk. According to yet another study, Colorado has the second safest workplaces in the nation!

(Peter Moore, Special to The Colorado Sun)

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Peter Moore is an editor, writer, illustrator, ghostwriter, co-author, radio host, TV guest, speaker, editorial consultant, and journalism lecturer. In his most recent gig he was interim editor-in-chief of BACKPACKER magazine. Peter...