Myra has missed 30 years of her life, due to a coma, but has found a new friendship with her young neighbor, Ossie. Together, they both are searching for their place in this world.

Catch up with previous editions of What’d I Miss, and read more about Denver artist R. Alan Brooks.

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Type of Story: Opinion

Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.

R. Alan Brooks teaches graphic novel writing for Regis University’s MFA program, and Lighthouse Writers Workshop (where he's a board member). He’s the author of “The Burning Metronome” and “Anguish Garden” - graphic novels featuring...

I (she/her) was born in Hawaii, and moved extensively before landing in Golden for high school in the late 80s. I moved to Denver for college, attending first Metro, then The Art Institute of Colorado. I worked in a bunch of non-art jobs for...