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God and Government

I awoke to Mother Nature’s tears
Not a warm gentle rain, but
Cold biting precip as if
A message was hidden
In every drop

Often, I’d proclaim wind as
Cleanser.  Healer of brown air
Hanging just between the peaks
And endless fields of
Hay and wheat and worry

Maybe heaven is crying
Today.  As the world is
Isolating.  This could be
Sorrow.  Manifested as a
Random occurrence.  Anomalous

People are dying and babies
Will be born today and
Tomorrow.  Some lives
Cannot stand still.  People
Resist idleness.  Shun Sanctum

The dolphins have returned to
The canals of Venice. Is that a
Climatic victory in the midst
Of global menace or merely an
Aberration of the times

It is just us.  Man
Clinging to hope
Stubbornly believing
That God and government
Will provide salvation

What will you do in these coming
Days of quiet… endless Sabbath
Will you generate your crowning glory
Fall victim to the prophecy of doom
Wallow in prescient purgatory

Jane Hillson Aiello is a poet who lives in Centennial.